Shoes, shoes, shoes

As a lover of art, I  always arrive in London excited at the prospect of  discovering the latest offerings in her museums and art galleries. And never too far to walk  is the  overwhelming variety of shoe shops, many with  displays of shoes  that are just short of being art objects.

Here are only some of the shoes I admired last week:

Salvatore perragemo

Salvatore Ferragamo

Jimmy Choo1

Jimmy Choo

I have seen the following Louis Vuitton shoes in black and browns on the Louis Vuitton website, but when I saw these blue version in the window in their New Bond Str.  store, I practically gasped for air!  These are my favorite shoes this winter, and with the brown bag too!

louis vuitton

Louis Vuitton

Jimmy choo

Jimmy Choo

Weaving through Mayfair, I  came across a brand that really caught my attention- Crisian , London.Their shop is situated in Dover Str.

crisian london3

Crisian London

crisian london4

Crisian London

I saw  the above shoes  in two more colors- purple and gray

crisian london5

Crisian London

For those of you who do not wear high heals, this is an amazing flat option

crisian london6

Crisian London

Of coure, you may have to sell  one of your diamonds to afford some of these shoes, but that would certainly give you mileage out of your investment.

Enjoy liking them!


2 responses to “Shoes, shoes, shoes

  1. Those gold flats with the black bows are amazing!

  2. Jan Graham-McMillen

    Oh, the shoes! To my knowledge, I’ve never seen any of these brands in real life, in the windows, anyway … may well have seen them on feet and didn’t recognize them! So beautiful!
    Happy Hanukkah, Sara … I hope you enjoy the entire holiday season, even after all the celebrating comes to an end!

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